A few months ago we announced version 2.0.0 of the opencage-geocoder Ruby gem, the Ruby SDK for accessing our geocoding API. As mentioned then we still had a few more ideas on improving the gem, and I am delighted to report that version 2.1.1 is now live and available for download.

The main improvements are more tests and better exception handling for the case of a 402 (over quota) response, but we also added a few more documentation improvements, including a better example of batch geocoding in Ruby the README file for the gem and on our Ruby geocoding tutorial.


We of course welcome your feedback (and pull requests! - the source code is of course open). Many thanks to our friend Sam Scully for taking the lead on this project.

You can find a direct link to the Ruby tutorial (and tutorials and libraries for many other programming languages) on our code page. If we don’t yet have your programming language of choice, please let us know, or better , please write and open-source your own (please see our library guidelines), which we will gladly feature here.

Happy geocoding, whichever language you are using to access our API
