Happy new year everyone!

We hope you had a restful holiday break and are ready for a great 2019. Here at OpenCage HQ, we’re kicking the year off by releasing version 2.0.0 of opencage-geocoder, the Ruby gem for accessing our geocoding API.

This new version is a big improvement in terms of functionality - I have to admit we had neglected our Ruby gem for far too long. You can see it in action on our Ruby geocoding tutorial.


Due to the big increase in functionality (the old version basically covered just the most minimal use case), the new gem breaks compatibility with the previous release (version 0.1.2). Unfortunately that was necessary.

The rewrite also got us thinking about several ways we can improve SDKs generally and make them easier to test and deal with edge cases. Some of those improvements are already live in our SDK writing guidelines, others will come in the next few weeks. The first improvement is that we now have a few API keys you can use to test for a 402 and 403 response.

For Ruby specifically we have a few more ideas on how to tweak the module, so expect some more minor releases in the coming weeks as well. We of course welcome your feedback (and pull requests! - the source code is of course open).

As with all the other SDKs, our Ruby library can be found on our libraries page. Over the last year the list of programming languages for which we have SDKs has really grown, but we’d always love to add more. If you create something with our API please let us know and we will gladly feature it (though do please follow the guidelines). If you use a language for which we don’t yet have a wrapper library, please get in touch, we will gladly pay you to open source a wrapper library. We’re interested in wrapper libraries for pretty much any language we don’t yet have.

Happy geocoding, and all good wishes for a great 2019,
