Hi everyone,

I hope 2019 is off to a good start.

One of the ways we give back to the geo community is by running #geomob, a meetup focused on geoinnovation - for fun or profit.

For the last 10 years (first as Lokku, the company OpenCage spun out of, and then as OpenCage) we’ve run #geomob as a regular forum and meeting place for anyone doing interesting things in the geo space.

Each event features 4-6 speakers, each talking about their projects for 10-15 minutes. The idea is not a deep dive into a specific topic, but rather a quick taste of interesting things that are being developed. After the talks we head to a nearby pub for “geobeers” (ver generously paid for by the sponsors, which includes us) where the discussion continues.

The key word in the description above is that we are a meeting place for people “doing” interesting things. We try to be very selective in limiting the speakers to developers, product managers, founders, etc. Not boring marketing and PR pitches, but rather peopole who are getting their hands dirty and can actually share what they learned, their success and failures. Our speakers come from a wide spectrum - start-ups, global multinationals, academics, NGOs, hobbyists, anyone who thinks they are doing something interesting and would like to share it. There is no other agenda beyond learning, having fun, and making connections.

First the talks image

and then …

image geobeers (and why yes that is our friend and SplashMaps founder David Overton wearing his map tie.)

The first #geomob of 2019 will be next week, on the evening of the 16th at the excellent Geovation Hub facilities in Clerkenwell.

After that we’ll be experimenting with the first ever #geomobBCN in Barcelona on the evening of the 30th of Jan. The location will be new, but the format will be the same. To help kick things off I’ll be speaking about OpenCage, but we have several other excellent speakers as well. We will see how this first #geomobBCN goes, and hopefully we will have the critical mass to become a regular event

In March #geomob will be back in London on the 19th when we’ll be at UCL.

The best way to stay informed about #geomob is to follow the @geomob twitter feed.

I hope you can join us at one or all of these events! Many thanks to everyone who has spoken at #geomob over the years. Meanwhile the list of past speakers is quite impressive. Please get in touch if you’d like to speak at a future #geomob, we would love to have you.

Yours in geoinnovation,
