Hi everyone,

like many of you, we’re taking a bit of a summer break here at OpenCage HQ. It’s important to get outside, off the keyboard, and recharge the mental batteries, especially after months of lockdown.

It’s also a good chance to reflect a bit, contemplate the bigger picture, to generate new ideas for the journey forward.

In this spirit I thought I’d remind everyone about the Geomob podcast we started earlier this year. Geomob is the geoinnovation meetup we have run for over a decade. Originally only in London, in 2019 we expanded to several other European cities. Due to the pandemic the event has moved online.

We (the podcast is hosted by myself and geo industry veteran Steven Feldman) also launched a podcast in early 2020. We recently crossed the 25 episode mark. Some of the episodes are just Steven and I discussing our projects, but most are interviews with people working on interesting geo projects, be that professionally or just for fun. It’s a wide mix of hobbyists, academics, start-ups, and folks from some of the biggest industry names. We’ve been fortunate to have several well known guests from the OpenStreetMap community.


New episodes are released weekly, you can subscribe in the podcast listener of our choice. So if you’re looking for some summer geo listening inspiration, give it a try.

Happy summer listening,
