Hi everyone,
As 2024 is drawing to a close, the calendar for 2025 is starting to come into focus. A highlight of the spring will be FOSSGIS, the meeting of the German-speaking open source geospatial software and OpenStreetMap community. This year’s conference will take place from 26th-29th of March in Münster, and at least some of the OpenCage team will be there.
I’m pleased to share we are (once again) Bronze sponsors of the event.
The detailed schedule of talks has not yet been announced, but it will follow the same pattern as past FOSSGIS events with many interesting talks about the latest in open source geospatial software and OpenStreetMap.
Thank you to the organizers and many other sponsors. We are looking forward to the conference, and hope you can join us.
Wir sehen uns in Münster
BTW - this is just one of many events and projects we sponsor as a way to give back to the open source and open data communities we rely upon.