Hi everyone,

our recent SDK momentum continues! After already adding a new C SDK and a CFML SDK this year, I am very happy to report that there is now a Clojure SDK as well. You can now find Stelios Sfakianakis’s clj-ocgeo on Clojars (and of course you can find the source on Github).


Thank you, Stelios!

As with all the other SDKs, this new library can be found on our libraries page.

The list of various SDKs is quite long - not least as it has had three additions this week! - but we would love to see it continue to grow. If you create something with our API please let us know and we will gladly feature it (though do please follow the guidelines). If you use a language for which we don’t yet have a wrapper library, please get in touch, we will gladly pay you to open source a wrapper library. We’re interested in SDKs for any language we don’t yet have.

Happy geocoding,
