Good news for Java developers using our geocoding API - version 2.0.0 of jopencage has been released.

"Screenshot of jopencage on maven"

There is no change to the interface of the library since the last release, and just like before you can see example usage for both forward and reverse geocoding on our detailed java geocoding tutorial.

The change is that the library is now being developed by us (OpenCage), meaning a change of groupId. The import is now com.opencagedata instead of com.byteowls. The code for the library is now hosted in our GitHub organization.

Many thanks to Michael Oberwasserlechner the original creator of jopencage. Michael created and then maintained the library for many years. But the project for which he needed geocoding ended and, as tends to happen, he is busy with other things. Meanwhile we have added java skills to our team, so it made sense to bring the library in house.

As with all of the SDKs for our geocoding API we welcome your ideas for improvement. We will be rolling out various fixes and improvements in the future, but code contributions are of course also gladly received!

Happy geocoding (in Java),
