
it’s been a long summer, and we’ve been pretty quiet here on the blog. While we did manage to take some much deserved time off during the summer months, that’s no excuse for not keeping you updated on our progress. And there has been a lot of progress.

One task that kept slipping down the list though was moving our blog away from Tumblr to something better. Not sure what happened, but when we started using Tumblr a few years back it was hip and fun. Now it’s just ads and every time I logged in to write something it felt spammier and spammier. It was time to move on. So we’ve extracted all our posts from the last few years (was as painful as it sounds) and moved on over to github pages which is where you are now reading this post.

It turned into one of those projects that you know you should just crank out and be done with but that it’s easier to postpone. So unfortunately it’s been a while since we last posted. Apologies.

But the good news is not just that we have freed ourselves from the tumblr shackles, but also that we’ve been hard at work on many other new features and improvements. I’ll go into more detail on those in the coming days. Meanwhile you may enjoy this photo of some members of the team at a recent planning meeting in Berlin.


Enjoy! and more soon,
