Tonight I’m off to give  a lightning talk at #londonapi, a relatively new event on the London tech landscape that focuses, as the name suggests on APIs. I’m a fan of regular thematic events to build a community around a topic - indeed we (Lokku, our parent company) organizes and sponsors #geomob, which focuses on innovation in all things geo - so it’s great to see a place of API focused developers to share tips and tricks.

I’ll only have five minutes to  present our geocoding API, and I’m assuming the audience, though technically savvy may not have deep geo experience. Here is a first revision of my slides I would welcome any feedback you have. If you’re in London I hope to see you at the event tonight at 18:30. Please say hello.

**[Presenting the OpenCage Geocoder at #londonapi 17 Sept 2014]( "Presenting the OpenCage Geocoder at #londonapi 17 Sept 2014")** from **[Lokku](**