The OpenCage geocoder has been in the wild now for a few months now. Many thanks to everyone who has been experimenting with it and giving us feedback. We’re slowly but surely reaching the point where features are becoming solid. There’s of course still a long, long way to go. 

We try to be very open about our progress, here on the blog, but also on twitter (you do follow us, right?), but we also know people are busy and not everyone is sitting on their phone just waiting for our latest missive to come across the tweetstream. Even if you are, it can be easy to get lost in the details and miss the big picture. And so we’re going to soon be starting a newsletter to everyone who has registered to use the geocoder.

The email will be once a month max and of course you’ll be able to unsubscribe at anytime. It will be a brief summary of new features and relevant links from the open geo world. 

We hope you like it and welcome your feedback.
