Tomorrow it’s my pleasure to present about our geocoder at the 2014 London Perl Workshop

People are sometimes surprised that we use Perl, but when it comes to data manipulation the language has an amazing and ever growing tool chest. Over the last years Perl has experienced a real renaissance, particularly around testing. 

In my talk I introduce our service, but then get into the specifics of how Perl helps us move fast with a very small team. Here are my slides, I’d love your feedback.

**[The OpenCage Geocoder #lpw2014](// "The OpenCage Geocoder #lpw2014")**

Many thanks to all the volunteers and sponsors who make LPW possible, but especially Mark Keating, who for years has been the driving force behind the event. It is always a great day of learning and hanging out, and I’m pleased I’ll be able to make it this year. If you’re in London and like tech (be it Perl or otherwise), you should come. Likewise of course many thanks to the global perl developer community. I’m proud to say that we play our own small part via our own open source contributions, specifically to the geo space we are working hard on Geo::Address::Formatter and Geo::What3Words and welcome your pull requests.  

I’m also proud to say that our sister brand, property search engine Nestoria, is again a sponsor of LPW, a trend we’ve maintained for many years. Over on their dev blog, the Nestoria engineering team regularly shares Perl tips and tricks, and runs a regular “Module of the Month” series in which a perl module is highlighted and the author gets a small donation for their efforts. 

Finally, if you can’t make it to #lpw2014, perhaps you’ll be able to catch our talk at WhereCamp Berlin next week where I’ll be speaking at 10:00 on the 14th

I hope to see you at one of these events.
